29 November 2007

Keeping an eye on Catalyst

In localization, "Catalyst" is a tool from Alchemy Software. Among other things, it allows you to localize UI elements within software resource files, sometimes without the need to rebuild the software manually into binary format.

Since software binaries come from text files, part of Catalyst's value lies in straddling the divide between allowing the translator to change strings in the these text files (say, from English to Japanese) and displaying them in the binary, run-time format in which the user will see them on screen.

Last month a vendor returned some resource files to me which we had them localize from English to Japanese. I rebuilt the binaries (language-resource DLLs) and ran them. Unfortunately, a number of items were suddenly missing from the Japanese menus, so I had to troubleshoot the problem.

My first thought was that either a person or a tool (or a person using a tool) had modified something that should not be affected by the localization process. I had handed off a resource file containing these lines:

POPUP "&Tools"
MENUITEM "&Network Settings...", ID_TOOLS_NETWORK

POPUP "&File"

They returned to me a resource file containing these strings:

POPUP "ツール(&T)"

POPUP "ファイル(&F)"

There was nothing wrong with the translation, and the string IDs were intact. The product has long been "double-byte clean," so I knew that the software was not gagging on the Japanese characters.

The problem lay in the menu ID numbers, which are 32777 and 32779 in the English, but which came back in the Japanese files as 9 and 11. The vendor believes that Catalyst changed them, since they had used it to for resizing and QA.

Normally, this renumbering has no effect on how the binary functions. In this case, however, it has a profound effect on how the binary functions, because there is code somewhere in the software that is looking for "32777" and "32779" and when it doesn't find those ID's, it cannot complete the menu. This is poor internationalization in the code base which I have discussed with Engineering, to no avail, so I need to police the resource files in each round of localization.

How is Catalyst working for you? Have you seen similar problems?

Interested in this topic? You might enjoy another article I've written called "Localized Binaries - The Plot Thickens"

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21 September 2007

User Interface and localization

"We are Marketing. We own the user interface."

An engineer with one of my clients told me, with some bitterness, that a previous regime had summarized its hegemony over the company's software product with those two sentences. I'll grant you that it sometimes help in a company to know which lines are not to be stepped over, but I'll also grant you that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

Most of us don't mind if Marketing dictates the user interface, unless people with our global perspective tell them that something in the UI won't work well when the product is localized and they refuse to accept it.

In this case, the fuss is over an HTML-based UI and help system that lives in firmware in a networking device. The old Marketing guard wanted a tabbed look with labels on the tabs (Connections, Security, Setup, Help, etc.), and the tabs had to be graphics. The graphics are .gifs, nobody knows where the source files are, and we're trying to find an expeditious way to localize the product, including the text on those tabs. (If you're in localization and haven't already faced this situation, I can assure you that you don't have long to wait.)

I've floated some ideas by them that might result in a more flexible approach for future versions of the product. The current Marketing team is not so doctrinaire as their predecessors, but they're not very engaged in this process, either. I offered Ockham's razor: Let's remove the tabs and replace them with hyperlinked text near the top of the page, and the problem will go away. They have yet to reply to that.

I'll give them another week, then make my own arrangements. After all, "We are Localization. We own the rest of the world."

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06 March 2007

How to pseudo-translate, Part I

Before you localize your software product, wouldn't you like to have an idea of what's going to break as a result?

If you've written it in English, it will surprise and alarm you to learn that that's no assurance that it will work when the user interface (UI) is in Chinese or Arabic or maybe even Spanish. The most conspicuous vulnerabilities are:
  • text swell, in which "prompt" becomes "Eingabeausforderung" in German, for example, and the 40 pixels of width you've reserved in the English UI results in only a small part of the German appearing;
  • corrupted characters, which will show up in the UI as question marks or little black boxes because characters such as à, ü, ¿, ß, Ø and 日本語 aren't in the code page or encoding under which your software is compiled;
  • illegible or invalid names of files and paths, which occur when installing your software on an operating system that will handle more kinds of characters than your product will;
  • crashes, which occur when your software mishandles the strange characters so badly that the program just giggles briefly and then dies;
  • ethnocentric business logic, which leads to ridiculous results when users select unanticipated countries or currencies;
  • hard-coded anything, whether currency symbols, standards of measurement (metric vs. English) or UI strings.
In the past, localization efforts have become stranded on these beaches late in the voyage, after the text has been translated and the binaries rebuilt. It needn't be that way.

Internationalization testing is the process of pushing alien characters and situations down your software's throat to see what breaks. The more complex the software, the more complex the testing, such that there are companies that specialize in internationalization as much as if not more than localization.

It's not rocket science, but it doesn't happen on its own, either. And, you don't want your customers worldwide doing any more of your internationalization testing than absolutely necessary, because they really don't appreciate buying the product and then testing it.

The process requires some cooperation between Engineering and QA, which should already be in place for the domestic product and can easily be extended to the international products as well. An upcoming post will explain some of the tools and techniques for proper internationalization testing.

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